Chocolate Spiced Baked Oats
Baked oats may be my new favourite breakfast. I have been loving making individual ones in the morning. I simply throw all the ingredients together, pop in the oven and then shower/get ready and when I am done, I have the most delicious chocolate cake, oat thing. YUM.
Baked oats are a simple fuss free nutritious breakfast, that are high in plant protein, slow releasing carbohydrates (energy) healthy fats and oh so much deliciousness.
You could easily double / quadruple this recipe to make a big one!
This would also taste wonderful topped with fresh fruit such as berries, figs, sliced banana or stewed apple.
Ingredients (serves 1)
1/2 cup oats
2 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 tbsp cacao powder
1 teaspoon mixed spice / 1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp tahini or nut butter
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup non dairy milk + 1/2 cup filtered water
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Transfer into a baking tray and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. I topped mine with coconut kefir and mixed seeds. Deeeelicious.

Registered nutritionist (mBANT) (dipCNM), Nutritional Therapist (CNHC) and Naturopath (ND).
'It is my passion to use the latest evidence-based nutrition and my clinical experience to guide and help you to support your health & wellbeing'
Health hasn’t always been my journey. In fact during my teenage years I suffered with disordered eating. Living off low fat/low calorie foods, diet coke and black coffee, my body stopped being able to function. My skin was dry, my hair falling out, I had terrible gut issues (bloating, gas, and constipation) I lost my periods, complained of being cold and was constantly exhausted. If only I knew what I know now, that my brain and body were literally starved of nutrients.
Gradually I began to see that my destructive behaviours and habits were robbing me from living and enjoying life. It was a long road of re educating myself, eating nourishing foods, learning self-compassion, and actually finding the enjoyment in food.
Over time my skin cleared up, my hair grew, my energy came back, hormones re balanced, and I saw firsthand the power of diet and lifestyle modifications in recovering my own health.
Fast forward a few years I am now a qualified nutritionist helping to educate people on the effects of food as medicine, food as enjoyment and food as fuel.